Thyroid Disease Is Exploding

Thyroid dysfunction is becoming commonplace. I discovered that I had hypothyroidism in October of 2014. Since then, I find that more and more people (especially women) are suffering from the same symptoms that I have dealt with. The big question is why is this happening? Why are so many women on thyroid replacement hormones? Why are so many women getting their thyroids removed, or undergoing treatments to remove nodules? What’s the cause? From my own experience and my education, there are several areas that need carefully examined when it comes to the thyroid going off like the siren that it is. In my Personal Care , Home Environment, and Products for Healing sections, I highlight areas of self-care, environment, and give feedback on healing products to be considered when it comes to the proper function of your thyroid and overall wellbeing.
Does Removing the Thyroid Remove the Problem?
I have relatives, friends, and acquaintances who have had their thyroid removed. Unfortunately, this is not an ultimate fix. Once the thyroid is removed, it’s necessary to take hormone replacement. In most cases, patients are given synthetic thyroid hormone, which is not delivering the full package of hormones needed. These medications are referred to as t4 medications, and are lacking the t3 hormone needed to satisfy the entire picture. Because of this, people will still experience symptoms and sometimes even feel worse. The issue with being on the thyroid medication that it’s not getting to the foundation of dysfunction; it’s a bandaid. Just like birth control pills, thyroid medication shuts down certain areas of your endocrine system. This makes your body weaker, and this leads to other issues.

Everything Connects
Our bodies are not like machines, but more like gardens. Rather than treating it in parts, it’s best to treat it as a collective system. However, there is a core or foundation for our overall wellness. If we’re able to get this foundation of our body under control, then that will enable all the other systems to operate efficiently. That foundation is our digestion and ability to absorb nutrients when we eat or take supplements. This is what I focus on with my clients.
Find out more about this by signing up for my newsletter, and you’ll receive my FREE eBook on an important mineral that aids in the production of thyroid hormone and other processes in the body.
You can also check out my ebook on healing drinks, which is a guide with recipes and videos for priming digestion, rebuilding nutrient stores, and jumpstarting healing.
If you’re interested in a more personal experience, schedule a free consultation.
If we can collectively appreciate how every system in our body connects, and demand healthcare to catch up to that notion, we will see a revolution in care. It is up to each of us to find our truth, and take the appropriate action to heal. I can’t do it alone, and I don’t want you to either.