I am in a season of life that places some serious limits on both time and energy. I am re-learning this after going through a few tough years.
Burning the Candle at Both Ends
My husband and I have always been ambitious. If there’s one thing we mastered early on, it was burning the candle at both ends. Just when we thought we’d eliminated that habit, we found ourselves in that position again over the last few years. Now, we’re working our way out again. It’s a crucial time for putting healthy boundaries in place with our time and energy.
Protecting Your Energy
Staying up late is one of my worst vices. Can you relate? Many moms I speak to experience a lot of peace and even productivity in the evenings. What we don’t realize is what late nights do to our energy and overall health in the long-run. It will wreck it and I know that from experience. I’m going through changing the late-night habit and getting into bed by 10 p.m. It did wonders for my body in my initial healing phase years ago. This is something so simple, yet powerful. The Medical Medium, Anthony William, says that the time at night in which our bodies do the most healing is between 10 p.m. and 2 a.m.. This was extremely evident with healing my hypothyroidism and after having my second child Celia. I have opted to prioritize sleep again, and shoot for earlier mornings instead of later nights.
Hustle….. and Burn Out?
Hustle culture has “burned out” over the years because it’s not sustainable. We know where we will end up if we push too hard. So, how do you live within your means in terms of energy when striving? That’s always the question. If you’re a mom and you want to have your career, or a business, how do you manage it? How do you strike a “balance”? It’s something I discuss with clients and friends pretty often.
Here are some ideas for living within your means of time and energy during the years of raising kids and tackling life.
Nice Things vs. Hiring Help
Rather than buying new material items that give that temporary lift, invest in help and support with tasks that would free up your time to tackle things you really want to spend your time on. Hire someone to clean, or outsource your bookkeeping. Pay a babysitter to come over a couple days a week if you don’t have family nearby. It’s amazing how 100-$200 a month can change everything.
The Parking Lot
At times I have had to “park” ideas, projects, and offerings within my business. The Parking Lot is a concept I learned from Joshua Rosenthal at IIN during my health coach training. I have had to get really picky about what I’m spending my time on. Cleaning out my closet and getting rid of clutter in my house helped fuel this energy to throw out what is not important.
Let Go of Perfect
This is coming from a recovering perfectionist. Three kids have officially pushed me into the zone of “that’s fine” and “it’s good enough.” If I agonized over things being just so in my home, my work, or really anything, then I’d never finish anything. Just do it. Worry is a major thief of time and energy, but taking action is a relief and makes us feel motivated to keep going. It truly is better done than perfect.
The Magic Word
No. Can’t. I will not be able to do that. Follow your gut, and if it says to, say no thank you.
Time Outs
We have batteries. They need charged. Make sure to take time out for yourself and your relationships at some point each day. Whether it’s a workout, a nice bath in the evening, standing in your bare feet for 5 minutes in the sun, or just sitting with a cup of tea by yourself, make sure to keep yourself feeling human. We get angry and burnt out when we don’t connect with the people or routines that make us feel grounded.
In Short
This is just a small contribution from a girl who had to take a good look in the mirror to heal. Pushing yourself too hard makes for some serious damage. Sometimes, the strongest move we can make in all of this time and energy talk is to let go.
Learn more about protecting energy and doing life better by visiting the category menu on my home page. Search the topics and reach out with any questions. If you’re interested in having support on your healing journey, get in touch with me for a free health consultation. Let’s discuss your goals, concerns, and formulate a plan for healing.
From my heart,
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