These are a Few of My Favorite Things
I’ve used different things to help me heal my thyroid and overall health. The items that I suggest and provide links to below are products that I use and can vouch for. They are practical parts of my daily or weekly routine, and provide the biggest bang for my buck and my health.
Intelligence of Nature Gut Support (ION)

More Than a Probiotic
This formula takes gut support to a simplified and strong level. Made in the USA, ION is created by Dr. Zach Bush, M.D. It is derived from ancient soil, and strengthens the gut lining so that the microbiome can function optimally on its own. This in turn creates optimal brain and immune health. If your gut lining is strong and can keep foreign particles out, then you won’t experience inflammation and other disorders associated with Leaky Gut. You’ll also digest food well, absorb nutrients, and stay hydrated.
The Gut is the Cornerstone of Your Thyroid and Overall Health
If the tissues of our gut are not strong, then we are not assimilating nutrients. We also don’t have a barrier between the gut and the rest of our insides. This factor is at the foundation for thyroid and overall health.
The Whole Family Can Use This…Even Pets
What’s great with this is that we can all use it. I can just squirt some into my kids’ mouths, or put it in their water. They even have a formula for pets!
The Cold-Press Juicer – Omega J8006HD

Why Do I Juice?
Juicing is a great way to supplement your diet with vital nutrients and enzymes from fresh vegetables and fruits. Many people aren’t getting enough of the phytonutrients from vegetables and fruits in their diet and this is one way to fix that. The live nutrition from cold-pressed juice is healing, energizing, and delicious. The key in juicing is to use a cold-press juicer instead of a centrifugal. This is because the heat produced in a centrifugal can degrade the nutrients and affect the quality of the juice. Additionally, the juice lasts longer from a cold-press juicer.
Don’t Be Intimidated
Most people are afraid to juice because they think it’s going to be a pain. I’m a busy mom of 3, wife and business partner with my husband, and health coach. I don’t have time for things that are a pain to use. This juicer is simple to use and clean. Every Friday, we have happy hour with this juicer, and I use it 1-2 additional times per week. After you’re done juicing, rinse the parts of with hot water and then you’re done. You really don’t have to wash it in soapy water every single time; maybe once a week.
A Note on Pulp
I prefer my juice to not have pulp. If you want the pulp in your juice for added fiber or another reason, then check out something like this Vitamix. Coming with a 7 year warranty and the amazing functionality it possesses, it’s well worth the price.
Sick, Fat, and Nearly Dead
While attending the Institute for Integrative Nutrition, I had the privilege to listen to Joe Cross speak. Joe created the documentary Sick, Fat, and Nearly Dead, which chronicles his journey into juicing and losing 82 pounds in 60 days. He inspired me to start juicing, and I bought my first juicer shortly after viewing the film. Joe gives a great review of juicers, and explains why he chose the Breville Juice Fountain Plus for his own health journey and documentary. To him, it was the best bang for your buck as a beginner. Although I did start with that centrifugal juicer, I recommend getting the cold-press model above as it yields more juice, maintains nutrients, and you can keep it in the fridge for a couple days. If you want to start with the Breville, there’s certainly no problem. You’ll just have to be sure to drink the juice immediately, and realize that you may not get the most nutrients possible.
Either way, you don’t have to go to extremes with juicing fasts or cleanses. Juicing is great as a supplement to your diet. It increases nutritional load, raises energy, and provides healthy hydration.
Juicing for Cancer
As a side note, I know someone personally who started juicing when they were diagnosed with cancer. Consequently, doctors are still “studying” this person because they are so amazed that he beat stage IV brain cancer and has been in remission for over 5 years. This man attributes his recovery to juicing while going through chemotherapy. This story is just one of many. If you search online for cancer and juicing, you will find many related tales.
More on Healing Drinks
If you’re interested in learning more about how to recreate your favorite drinks, and turn them into healing elixirs, check out my own ebook.
The Himalayan Salt Lamp

These little beauties have become quite popular, but there’s more to them than their ambience. There are plausible health benefits to having Himalayan salt lamps in your home. I have this exact lamp in my living room, in addition to one in my office. It’s beaming at me right now as I type. Let me highlight reasons as to why you should consider having Himalayan salt lamps in your home.
Himalayan salt lamps reduce electromagnetic radiation.
Electromagnetic radiation is emitted from smart phones, tablets, computers, TVs, and other electronic appliances. Studies show that EM radiation causes fatigue, increases stress, and decreases our immune system function. By having a lamp in your home office, or in your living space where you use a lot of gadgets, it reduces the EM radiation.
Himalayan salt lamps increase your energy level.
Modern life contains electromagnetic fields, metal, plastic, carpet, fluorescent lights, and air pollution. These are all offenders of draining our physical energy, as well as increasing positive ions in our indoor air. In most cases, this causes an imbalance where there’s more positive than negative ions. Positive ions are free radicals, and correlate with health issues such as cancer. A salt lamp provides negative ions, which will combat the excess of positive ions in your indoor space. This is one more reason it’s important to get outside, or open your windows when possible for fresh air!
Himalayan salt lamps purify the air and even reduce asthma and allergy symptoms.
The salt inside of the salt rock absorbs water molecules that have contaminants inside of them. The salt also filters mold, mildew, dust, and pet dander.
Himalayan salt lamps promote restful sleep.
The amber glow of a salt lamp is wonderful for the evening. Many people are exposed to too much blue light or bright light in the evening before bed. This disrupts our body’s natural process of winding down at sunset. Having salt lamps on in your home during the evening hours is a perfect way to prepare for sleep.
My Health Coach Training Program

I can’t discuss healing products without mentioning the life-altering education I received at the Institute for Integrative Nutrition. I worked with an Integrative Nutrition Health Coach for over a year when I made changes in my life to heal my thyroid and overall wellbeing. My coach was certified by the Institute for Integrative Nutrition, and he suggested I consider the program for myself. The decision to enroll as a student was one of the best things I’ve ever done.
See for Yourself!
The best way for me to communicate how wonderful this program is, is to provide you with a taste of what a class is like. If you click on the image above, you’ll be taken to a sample module. If you’re interested in viewing more information regarding the curriculum, you can click here.
Diffuser Necklace from AromaLove

One of the things that’s tough about essential oils is that you can’t always have them right under your nose…until now! Not only are these lockets great because you can have your favorite oil or blend with you, but they also have a chakra collection. The locket pictured here is my Throat Chakra one. You receive multiple felt pads with each locket, so that you can change up the oils you use.
AromaLove is the company who makes these, but they also offer other essential oil accessories and jewelry. Manisha, the owner, does a fabulous job with quality and service. Check them out!
Looking for More?
If you’ve benefitted from reading through my products for healing, you can access additional insight to healing by signing up for my newsletter. You’ll receive my free eBook on Iodine, that explains how this super mineral is so important for our thyroids and beyond.
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Please see my Privacy and Disclosures, so that you are fully informed of the relationships I have with the linked items/companies below. Transparency is extremely important in the online world, and I have to be FTC compliant. In that page, I also indicate the parameters of my role as a health coach.